Pick A Peck of Peppers

Okay, so it’s not exactly a peck of peppers, but my one little jalapeno plant has been producing like crazy. I’ve already picked five peppers, and look how many are ready, or almost ready to pick.

I can spot the peppers amid the leaves. Can you?

(Immediately after taking the photo, I picked four more peppers.)

The first cucumber is ready for picking, and a smaller one is growing a bit higher on the vine.

Cuke #1 a few days before harvest.

The cucumber plant is loaded with blossoms, but so far just two cukes. They grow quickly, so I’m hoping for more.

I’ve already mentioned how well the tomato plants are doing – I’ve already lost track of how many tomatoes I’ve picked, and those plants are still loaded. The only plant I’m concerned about is the red pepper plant.

Pretty leaves, but where are the blossoms?

It’s beautiful, but I haven’t seen a single blossom. Any idea why it’s not blooming? Last year’s red pepper plant did so well that it wasn’t until a month or two ago that I finally finished up the leftover red peppers I chopped and froze last fall.

How are your gardens growing? Which crops are doing best for you this year?

About Paula Hendrickson

I'm a full-time freelance writer with an addiction to yarn, cooking and all kinds of crafty things. I come from a long line of creative and entrepreneurial types on both sides of the family, making creativity almost like competitive pursuit.

Posted on August 4, 2012, in food, gardening, produce, summer, yardwork and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. our garden is doing well we have a sm spring by our garden at our summer place…so enough water for us.
    we have 8 bannana pepper plants…w/ peppers galore
    many many tomatoe plants…lots of butternut squash…green peppers & I planted the mini red popping corn…we’ll see on that one

    I just made some roasted tomatoe salsa w/ our extra toms…we had some in CA it was yummy!
    I have some choc. toms here at the house & a hot pepper plant…tiny thing…very hot also grape & reg. toms plus a green pepper

    hope everyone else has a fruitful garden

    • Paula Hendrickson

      Two gardens? Wow! And knowing you, Deb, they’re organized to fit the most plants in the smallest spaces.

      Next year I need to try some “determinant” tomatoes so I have enough ripe at the same time to make tomato sauce. Of course, the “indeterminant” plants are great when you have just enough ripe tomatoes to eat in any given day.

  2. What variety of cucumber is that? Looks like it’s taken to pot life well. I tried growing one in a pot this year, but it succumbed to powdery mildew before it even had a chance.

    • Paula Hendrickson

      The guy I bought it from (he starts seeds and sells tons of plants each spring at a local flea market) said it was a “Munchee.” He said the cucumbers would be smaller than standard cucumbers, but it should do well in a large pot or even on a trellis for a vertical garden.

      Just a theory, but maybe being in a terracotta pot helped prevent mildew from striking? It meant having to water it nearly every day – even twice a day when we had a string of 100+ degrees.

      • I tried the variety “Picklebush” and I just wasn’t impressed. I may give them one more try next year when we have a more normal winter. I think the winter here was so incredibly mild that it didn’t kill off anything it normally would. A squirrel dug up two of the plants and I got sick of the relentless fight against PM on the last one. It was just this short, stunted plant that kept flowering despite only being 2″ tall. Lol. Clay would work well with cucumbers since it allows the soil to dry though. I might try them in a smaller pot next year.

  3. Paula Hendrickson

    I was hoping these would be more like Persian cucumbers than pickle-type cucumbers, but they’re sort of in between Persian and standard style cukes.

  4. Being from the Arizona desert,we start our gardens in March and they are finished by the end of June My father,who is 88, with the help of my brother planted their gardens together. We had so many tomatoes we did not know what to do with them Zucchini’s peppers, and we even had about 12 ears of corn! They are now talking about a winter garden —

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